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My goal is to educate & motivate

Cultivating and maintaining a growth mindset doesn’t have to be expensive, daunting, or time-consuming. There are simple ways to incorporate some behaviors into your life through empowerment, support and accountability.

Lifestyle Rebecca Wenglinski Lifestyle Rebecca Wenglinski

Sleep Away Your Stress

There are many ways you can lower your stress levels and one of those is through sleep.

Sleep helps your body repair itself. It helps fight off viruses and infections. It reduces stress and inflammation, and it even helps boost metabolism. Now the goal is to aim for seven to eight hours of sleep.

Even if you absolutely can't fit in seven to eight hours of sleep, try to get as quality of sleep as possible.

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Attitude Rebecca Wenglinski Attitude Rebecca Wenglinski

Release, Refine, Repeat

Do you ever feel as though you’re carrying 50 tons on your back? As though the weight of the world is on your shoulders?

I mean who wouldn’t with work responsibilities, working from home, kids, kid’s sports (that alone would do it), cooking, cleaning, trying to fit in exercise, walking the dog - the list goes on and on and on…

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Lifestyle Rebecca Wenglinski Lifestyle Rebecca Wenglinski

The First Step to Relieving Stress

Do you find yourself reaching for that bottle of wine or vodka more often than usual? Maybe it’s an urge to cry or scream because there is so much stress in your life.

Planning your schedule can help eliminate that lack of time factor contributing to stress. And if you add in planning your meals on a weekly basis, you can start to free up 1-2 hours a day.

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Lifestyle Rebecca Wenglinski Lifestyle Rebecca Wenglinski

Beware of Burn Out

Burnout is real and it can impact so many aspects of your life. As busy professionals we take on many responsibilities at work and in our personal lives, which oftentimes leads to burnout. Here are a few tips to ease those feelings of defeat and exhaustion.

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Attitude Rebecca Wenglinski Attitude Rebecca Wenglinski

The Lies of Being Productive

The mindset of needing to constantly produce leads to feelings of stress, overwhelm, anxiety, depression, guilt, and low self worth. We take on WAY more than we can handle all to prove that our doing makes us worthy. We all need time to rest and recharge and we don’t need to feel guilty or less worthy when we take that time.

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Start your journey today!
What is a Discovery Session?

This is a 15 minute call or video chat to learn more about what you're goals and challenges are. You will get an overview of the coaching process and how it is tailored specifically to your needs.

Looking for ways to feel more balanced between work and life?


This FREE cheat sheet will give you 8 simple strategies to help you feel more relaxed and balanced (AND begin to help you unlock your full potential!)

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