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My goal is to educate & motivate

Cultivating and maintaining a growth mindset doesn’t have to be expensive, daunting, or time-consuming. There are simple ways to incorporate some behaviors into your life through empowerment, support and accountability.

Lifestyle Rebecca Wenglinski Lifestyle Rebecca Wenglinski

Ayurvedic Morning Routines

One of the keys to good health and feeling energized all day long is living in tune with nature’s cycles.  That means rising and setting with the sun. These five routines are key to staying balanced in summer is keeping cool.

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Nutrition Rebecca Wenglinski Nutrition Rebecca Wenglinski

Spring Foods to Lighten Your Day

As we approach spring we start to have chilly and warm days that are both dry and wet. This is a great time to start mixing up the menu plan.

When thinking of foods for spring time, go for light, cleansing, warm and freshly cooked options. Here are a few suggestions.

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Lifestyle Rebecca Wenglinski Lifestyle Rebecca Wenglinski

Tips to Beat the Winter Blues

The change of seasons reminds us to change up our routine. Winter is definitely a time to relax, rest, and essentially hibernate, like we see nature doing. Included are a few habits to consider during the winter season.

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This is a 15 minute call or video chat to learn more about what you're goals and challenges are. You will get an overview of the coaching process and how it is tailored specifically to your needs.

Looking for ways to feel more balanced between work and life?


This FREE cheat sheet will give you 8 simple strategies to help you feel more relaxed and balanced (AND begin to help you unlock your full potential!)

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