Harnessing and Accepting the Winds of Change

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Today is the first day of October. Fall is officially here and not just because of the date, but also because of the weather. It’s time for jackets, cozy sweaters, crisp walks in the fallen leaves, and some cider and donuts.

As the seasons change, I’m reminded that the one constant in life IS change. Even our breath is impermanent. Each inhale changes as we begin to exhale. Yet so many of us try to resist change. Tamara Levitt once said, “the more we resist change, the more we make things difficult in our lives.”

This resistance is often experienced at work. Something goes wrong or an immediate request comes in throwing off your plans for the day. Our instinct is to get frustrated and angry, and maybe even vent to a friend or colleague. But all that resistance isn’t helping us feel better or getting the work get done. When these changes arise, we need to breathe. Sit with that initial feeling of frustration and let is pass. Begin to find some ease knowing changes are going to happen no matter how good of a plan we create.

So, this week and this month, let’s focus on accepting the changes around us.

Maybe we go one step further and not just accept the changes thrown our way but initiate some changes ourselves. Try changing your perspective. Or maybe change a behavior trying out a different morning or evening routine. MAYBE even try some foods you don’t usually eat. This way we can think of change as growth and not something that’s impeding us or our plans.

Change doesn’t make us suffer. It’s our desire for things to be permanent and the resistance to change that causes the suffering. We can begin to find the joy in change when we begin to embrace it.

I know I’ll be changing up my shoes this month. For those who know me well, know I LOVE shoes. I’ll also be changing up my meal plans focusing more on warm veggies instead of salads and lots of soups and one-pan baked dishes. I’ll also be working on releasing a lot of past wounds. This is the biggest change for me and one I’ve resisted the longest.

What changes are you willing to embrace this season?

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