When Life Throws Curveballs


So I had plans to record more videos and share those with you this week. Life, however, did not work out as I had planned. I took Sunday to relax and do nothing (something I rarely ever do, but need to do more often), and was going to use Monday as my usual “Sunday” since I had it off from my 9-5. 

Wellllll life threw a big curveball.

Sunday afternoon/evening one of my cats became ill. It worsened through the night and at 10:00 pm, as I was getting ready to hop in bed, it got bad. So I scooped Daisy up and rushed her to the emergency vet. I’m grateful it’s only two miles from my home because the roads were sheets of ice. Four hours later, and several hundred dollars later, we made it back home. Gatsby, my other strong willed cat, did not give Daisy the friendliest of greetings. So after several rounds of hissing and growling, numerous room changes so I could get some sleep, it resulted in a total of 2 hours of sleep, if that.

I don’t know about you, but I cannot function without at least 6 hours of sleep. I mean, my brain doesn’t work, my eye twitches, my head throbs, and I’m a zombie. So, needless to say, no videos were recorded for you this week.

I’m taking this curveball as another lesson in letting go of control. I’m a planner through and through. I even have a course teaching others how to meal plan. But the best of plans may not always work out. What makes the difference between staying in the exhausted, stressed feelings and moving forward is how we respond to life’s curveballs.

If we acknowledge and accept that we don’t have control over everything, we can brush off our failed planning attempts more easily. I took this curveball as an opportunity to slow down even more than I had planned. To acknowledge I’ve been putting irrational deadlines on myself. To breathe, lots and lots of yoga breaths. To say, “all is well, I’m right where I’m supposed to be.”

So I ask you, how do you respond or react when your plans go awry? What mindset shifts can you make to relieve the undue stress you may add to yourself?

Still up for making plans and need some help? Check out these TWO FREE 7-day meal plans, with grocery lists and recipes!


5 Tips for Boosting Immunity


The Skinny on Fat